The promotion has just begun there now, as we are writing this post, so we are hoping that the reviews will keep coming and they will be as good as the first ones listed below. Grazie!
Reviews from Italy
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Cleaver - with comments
Attila Kovács: sort of an easy rocknroll hit to open the album. If I said that it was influenced by Motörhead, Billy Idol and Pink Floyd at the same time, would you believe it? Nevertheless, I stole the main solo from David Gilmour although I’d never confess this publicly.
András Vörös: whether it’s an opening hit or not, for a while we weren’t even sure that this song should be on the album at all, because it was so different to the other ones. Then in the end we said „fuck it, who cares, let’s put it on, or better yet - let’s open the album with it!”
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Best Plays - with comments
Attila Kovács: the original riff was brought into the rehearsing room by Tamas (Praznek) and it was formed into a song by Adam (Fellegi) and I. I wrote a cool solo as well, but it turned out at the studio, that it didn’t match the song, so I had to improvise something. What you can hear on the album is the first attempt that both Szabolcs Szucs (the recording engineer) and I wanted to delete because we thought it sucked, but the rest of the band fell in love with it so it stayed.
András Vörös: when Adam looked at the lyrics first he was kinda shocked about the “Sweet Jesus” part, but then he too realized that this has nothing to do with religion after all. The song is more about our own selves that would sell our souls to anyone for a bit of success. Well, never mind, in the end we too get to where we deserve. Nowhere.
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The Devil You Run With - with comments
Attila Kovács: the atmosphere of this song reminds me of the musical world of Morbid Angel and The Haunted at the same time, if that’s possible. Although I do some of the growling vocals when we play this sing live, at studio everything was done without me (vocal-wise, I mean) because I arrived from a family dinner and wasn’t exactly sober, so I fell asleep on the couch.
András Vörös: and meanwhile Adam, who not only played drums but did a lot of background vocals and gave me tons of ideas as well, kept bugging me about singing the pre-chorus in a different rhythm to what I originally imagined. It took me about an hour to figure out what he wanted me to do, but in the end he was right, it became a lot better like this.
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Natasha - with comments
Attila Kovács: the basics of this song were “donated” by Zsolt Szentpéteri, the former guitarist of Superbutt who sent over a truckload of riffs for us to use. This song was the one that everyone liked best, so we decided to keep the chorus and the bridge parts of it, and attached a riff and a verse to it from our own sources. I don’t know how much it can be heard, but somewhere in the background there’s even a church organ playing in this song!
András Vörös: the lyrics to Natasha were written by a great friend of ours, Ken Derby, an American author who lives in Budapest. Natasha, the vampire girl is the main character of his new book (actually, it’s a manuscript yet to be published for the moment), in which even the band appears once. But let’s not spoil the surprise, wait until the book comes out and read it for yourself!
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Out Of Reach - with comments
Attila Kovács: oh yes, the icy breath of Norway as it was characterized by Szabolcs, the recording engineer (and also former guitar player of Superbutt). The beginning is nothing but a catchy rocknroll song, but in the end it gets transformed into something else. There are 3 different guitar parts on top of each other in the last minute of the song, plus at least 4-5 extra tracks played with an e-bow, which makes it very chaotic before it turns into the real outro of a synthesizer and an acoustic guitar. There are two solos in the song, the first is a previously composed one, the second was improvised on the spot. Listen and decide which one you like better!
András Vörös: I recorded the vocals for this song in Berlin at Music Flash studio with Mirco ‘Godi’ Hildmann (he not only recorded my voice in this song but did some background vocals himself too) and at first I was a bit scared about what a German professional would think about how I sing. But a pro is a pro because he can make even the worst singer believe that he’s doing OK and Godi was really good at it. I enjoyed working with him a lot and I hope we’ll do this again sometime.
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Of This Gloom - with comments
Attila Kovács: parts of this song were written in a hotel room after a gig at the Volt festival in Sopron (H), other riffs were added while waiting for the show to start at the Backstage club in München (D), so we can call this an international metal song. I stole the solo from Michale Denner (ex-Meryful Fate) but if he ever complains about it, nobody will believe him anyway, so I guess it’s OK, isn’t it?
András Vörös: this is the favorite song of Bence, our live sound engineer. Bence is only 21 years old and he is obviously a lot more educated in contemporary rock and metal music than we are (because unlike us, he still listens to new music), so when he says this number sounds very modern, we can take that as a compliment.
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Ugly Head - with comments
Attila Kovács: this was the first song we ever wrote for Music For Animals, back in 2010 still with Zoli (Zoltan Prepelicza, former bass player) and Makk (Laszlo Makai - former drummer) and although the instruments are not played by them on the final recording, you can hear Zoli do background vocals in the chorus. I planned to do a solo in this song as well but Adam said no, because it would have ruined the breakdown. Well…
András Vörös: “One more hit and we break through the wall / one more punch and my hand fits through the hole” – I guess it says it all how fanatically we can believe that we’re going to make it someday. Just one more hit, just one more punch and we’re there, aren’t we? It’s never gonna end…
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Evil Blues - with comments
Attila Kovács: the basics of this song were brought by Tamas and we added an intro in the style of At The Gates and a bridge that sounds like Gorefest. The song is in 6/8, that’s why we started to call it Evil Blues and in the end the title became official.
András Vörös: after the first attempt the chorus sounded as if it was sung by John Cleese in the Hungarian tourist sketch of Monty Python’s, so I had to wake up Szabolcs, the recording engineer in the middle of the night to convince him that it needs to be re-done. We did it again, let’s hope it was worth it.
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Revolting Kids - with comments
Attila Kovács: just like Ugly Head, this is one of the “early songs” too. At first I wasn’t even sure if I wanted it to be on the album, but in the end I’m glad we gave it a green light, because a lot of people like it and it’s fun to play it live.
András Vörös: when Attila first read the lyrics, he asked: you wrote this as a message to someone, didn’t you? Well yes, I did but those who are addressed will most likely never read or hear it. C’est la vie…
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The Murder Of Socrates - with comments
Attila Kovács: as surprising as it may be, this song is the hit of the album. Although it’s anything but a hit, it’s almost 6 minutes long and it’s like Celtic Frost jamming with Pink Floyd. The solo is stolen from David Gilmour again but it's also influenced by Boudewijn Bonebakker (Gorefest) and Jan-Chris De Koijer. In the outro part, I’m creating a feedback with the help of an e-bow, while I’m jumping on a wah-pedal and tugging the tremolo. That’s what I call real art!
Andras Vörös: I could talk about this song for hours, but I’m not going to start now. Let’s just summarize it as one of the best songs of my musical career.
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Cover artwork (double disc edition)
The extended version of the single disc edition designed by András Jeli. The deluxe edition released in Hungary is a double CD digipack, with two more skeletons that seem to be those of a deer and a horse, but we're not exactly sure what they are. The '2 CDs Double Deluxe Edition' stamp in the top right corner is a sticker applied on the shrink wrap, once the CD is opened, it comes off. Click to see the artwork in full size!
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Reviews from the Benelux
Our very favorite review of the Music For Animals era comes from this territory. Let's simply quote it: "Well, about Music For Animals, it features ten songs. And to be honest, there isn't any song, which really impresses me. Okay, the members play their instruments well, but it's mainly the vocals of Andras Voros which really annoys me. It really hurts my ears, hearing him sing. Maybe there are metalheads who will like this band, well I don't. After two times listening I had enough of it. Luckily I got better albums from Mario to review. So, next album, because to me Music For Animals is just a waste of time." - says the critic of Priceless, isn't it? Although he's probably right... Other than that, we're quite cool, even if most of the reviews are in Dutch or French so we don't understand much of those, but wherever they give points, the results are good so let's suppose the words are too. We collected the ones we know of, if you come across anything that's not listed here, feel free to leave a comment or let us know about it in some other way!
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Cover artwork (single disc edition)
Cover artwork by András Jeli. Skulls and bones. The basic international release of Music For Animals is a single CD digipack, the skeletons are those of a pig (front cover), kangaroo (back cover), goat (inside) and some sort of bird that we cannot identify (under the CD tray). Click to see them in full size!
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Reviews from Germany
There are lots of these. So many, we lost count. Evaluation ranges from very good to average, but mostly good. No complaints there. Our favorite quotes are probably from Metal Hammer stating "Das ist Heavy Metal wie er im Bilderbuch steht" (this is heavy metal by the book) or "Das internationale Format der Gruppe ist unbestritten" (the international format of the group is undisputed) from Legacy magazine. "Chapeu, liebe Ungaren!" - says Mega and - the biggest online metal magazine of Germany - describes Music For Animals as "ein Album mit vielen starken Songs" (an album with many strong songs) that is highly recommended to all the fans of modern metal. I hope we got that right, danke schön, keep it coming!
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Best Plays music video
Directed by Yvonne Kerékgyártó
Camera by Edit Blaumann
Edited by Ailen Anna Nagy
Release date: 15/Apr/2012
(4/May/2012 - Gordeon Music / Sonic Attack Records)
Some people (like my Mom or editors of major TV and radio stations) say that this song is awfully hard and aggressive. Funny, because we think it’s nothing but a light summer hit. You know: rhythmic and melodic. Then again, even if we sing “sweet Jesus, lead me on, play this song on your radio!” we know nobody will. But that’s OK. I guess it wasn’t really meant for radio editors. Or my Mom, bless her. Was it really meant for anyone other than ourselves and maybe those, whose heads “stick out sideways”, like ours? It doesn’t matter. We think it’s a song that’s not so bad, maybe we can even call it good, so it deserved a music video. An all-girl production, because the whole filming crew was made of talented women (see their names below), who we are deeply grateful to. Not to mention Karolina, the “stunning female” as she was called in one of the comments somewhere, who seems to be a bit lost and frightened in her pink dress in the beginning, but Tamas, the young and charming prince guitar player will save her from the rest of the ugly metalheads. All’s well that ends well, right? Oh, and speaking of comments: the video made it up to’s YouTube channel, where one of the viewers said: “Goddamn it, street fighter Zangief knows how to sing!” I have to admit, I had no idea what he was talking about, but I looked it up and found this: Haha! We can call that comparison an honor, can’t we?
Enjoy the video!
Andras Voros // SPRBTT
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Reviews from France
Well, we're kinda stuck here. Our French is rather limited and it seems like journalists don't really give points over there. So, we are only guessing, mostly. However, as much as we can make out of the reviews, they're not bad at all, and we found some great sentences, such as "du plaisir garanti", "un album suprenant donc" or "Superbutt est pour moi un putain d'outsider de luxe". Sounds cool, doesn't it? On top of all that, we have a handful of radio playlists coming from France too, we put those after the reviews we know of, if you come across anything that's not listed here, feel free to leave a comment or let us know about it in some other way!
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Pont középre music video
Directed by András Jeli
Photographed by Dávid Lukács
Make up by Viktória Bertalan
Release date: 24/Dec/2011
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Reviews from Austria
Metalblaze, Whiplasher, Earshot, danke schön! It seems like the neighbors have an ear for this new album of ours, except for maybe one site,, who were disappointed, because they preferred the old less metallic records. As an overview of critics, we collected the ones we know of, if you come across anything that's not listed here, feel free to leave a comment or let us know about it in some other way!
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Reviews from the UK
'Hungary have a new bunch of heroes' - said Metal Hammer UK and gave 7/8 points to the album. WOW! Pleasant surprise, isn't it? Not everybody was so enthusiastic of course: Kerrang valued it with 3 Ks (out of 5?) and stated that the music was too predictable. Rock Sound though it was a 5er (out of how many? - we don't know) and then Powerplay magazine made us smile again with their 7/8. There were a nice bunch of online reviews too, the average is 8/10, which I guess is not a shame either. So far these are the ones we know of, if you come across anything that's not listed here, feel free to leave a comment or let us know about it in some other way!